
FlyByYahoo+GTACM Hack Week 2009 project by Hillary Lipko and Andrew Guyton.

Quick snap of the client just before our presentationFlyBy is a social networking desktop application that gives you control of what you see, from whom and when. With Twitter, it allows you to create lists of the people you’re following and use those lists to filter your Twitter feed, allowing you to view only the tweets that you want to see. Especially useful for backlogs where you really only want to catch up with a handful of people!

The application will also provide support for other social media sites such as Flickr and Facebook, and even let you drink from the firehose and get all of your social media updates on one screen, all at once!

Development is currently in Pre-Alpha, so a downloadable test candidate is not yet available. We demoed our prototype at the Yahoo+GTACM Hack Day on 7 March 2009. There is currently no timetable for an alpha release. We’re both students, so it’ll happen when it happens. 🙂

For now, the source can be downloaded from Google Code (here) so you can build, fix and play. (And if you do, please let us know! We’ll take all the help we can get.) The source of FlyBy is released under a New BSD license.

1 Response

  1. April 21, 2009

    […] Hack Week at Tech (Though I did create a page for the project I worked […]

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