Tagged: childhood

A Christmas memory from a playlist: Happy 21st birthday, little brother

It’s happened a lot in the past several days. I’ve been listening to a lot of music. As the songs pass, I inevitably have a strong memory associated with a few. Meeting new friends. Childhood memories from a schoolbus. Unrequited love. High school. College parties. This is a fun one, even though the beginning of the story might not seem so. When I was seven, Christmas of 1992, I learned that Santa Claus wasn’t real. It wasn’t through any sort of intentional revelation on the part of my parents. It was more of a circumstance. My mom was pregnant, and...

Growing up geek

Thinkgeek had a contest on Twitter today: tweet your geekiest childhood memory, win a $25 gift certificate. I wasn’t one of the winners, but it did get me thinking about how most of my childhood was pretty geeky. When I was really little, I was kind of at the geek mercy of my parents–particularly my dad. I was dressed up in a Starfleet uniform for my first and second Halloweens. For my first, my dad wanted to put Vulcan ears on me, but my mom said ‘no way.’ When I was four, my parents took me to a midnight screening...