Tagged: economics

Atlantic Station’s hit-and-miss with Georgia Tech, Midtown

I woke up this morning as I usually do–rolling over, picking up my phone, and reading my Twitter feed before I get out of bed. About halfway through, I came across an article posted by the AJC that had me out of bed, ranting to my boyfriend before I could even finish reading it: New owners, new direction Residents of Atlantic Station want simple things: Better security. More locally owned shops. Improved home prices. Peace of mind. Potential visitors and shoppers want something too, and for many it isn’t what Atlantic Station is offering now. Many who live intown drive right...

A musing on gas prices…

First of all, let me start out by stating the following: I don’t own a car. I don’t drive. I don’t even have a driver’s license. I meet all of the legal (and most of the financial) qualifiers to do all of these things, but I don’t. The reasons for this are varied and numerous, and I shall not get into them. The price of gas, however, still matters to me. It should matter to everyone, really, as it affects more than just the wallets of those poor, ignorant souls who regularly drive their land-yachts with no other passengers for...

Wal-Mart to iTunes: How dare you undercut our prices

RETAIL-IATION: Wal-Mart warns studios over DVD downloads Worried about its massive DVD sales, retail behemoth Wal-Mart has told some of Hollywood’s biggest players it will retaliate against them for selling movies on Apple’s iTunes. Those who know me personally (and even some of those who only know me online) are aware of my particular dislike for Wal-Mart. I refuse to shop there if I have any alternative, and I use my disapproving glare and tone of voice upon discovering that any of my friends or family have shopped there recently. I have many reasons for this, some personal, some political,...