Separated at birth?

Michael weatherlyMichael Shanks smSo I was entertaining a little flight of fancy of mine the other day, hunting down some pictures of Michael Weatherly (NCIS, Dark Angel), whom I find highly attractive, and I came across the Livejournal of someone who is a fan of Michael Shanks (Stargate SG-1), whom I also find attractive, as well as Michael Weatherly. In particular, I came across a post in which this LJ’er had posted icon sets of both actors. With the two icon sets one after another, I realized that the two actors look a LOT alike. I mean, look! (Weatherly is on the left, Shanks on the right.)

It has been brought to my attention that I have a “type.” It has also been brought to my attention that my boyfriend (not pictured and not named Michael) bears a resemblance to these two actors, though not nearly as much as they look like each other. Seriously. They could be brothers. Brothers with unimaginative parents (after all, they’re both named Michael), but kin nonetheless.

In other news, this post is entirely gratuitous, and I realize that. It is merely an excuse for me to post some eye candy and gush about the sheer attractiveness of these two men. Fortunately for me, and probably for anyone reading, I haven’t *quite* been reduced to licking the TV screen. Yet. I am, however, prone to some pretty dirty thoughts. Dirty thoughts are fun.

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