Tagged: pictures

And now for something completely different: First kiss

U.S. Navy’s first same-sex traditional “first kiss” Everything about this picture gives me the warm fuzzies. Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out, DADT. (Article via Reddit) A Navy tradition caught up with the repeal of the U.S. military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” rule on Wednesday when two women sailors became the first to share the coveted “first kiss” on the pier after one of them returned from 80 days at sea…. Navy officials said it was the first time on record that a same-sex couple was chosen to kiss first upon a ship’s return. Sailors...

Separated at birth?

So I was entertaining a little flight of fancy of mine the other day, hunting down some pictures of Michael Weatherly (NCIS, Dark Angel), whom I find highly attractive, and I came across the Livejournal of someone who is a fan of Michael Shanks (Stargate SG-1), whom I also find attractive, as well as Michael Weatherly. In particular, I came across a post in which this LJ’er had posted icon sets of both actors. With the two icon sets one after another, I realized that the two actors look a LOT alike. I mean, look! (Weatherly is on the left,...