On blogging and grad school

I think that it’s safe to say that enough has happened in the last few months that if I’d had (or made) time to blog about them all, I may have established some sort of niche readership by now. Or at the very least, I can pretend that things would have worked out like that, because the reality of things is that I didn’t, and I don’t. It turns out that grad school keeps me just busy enough that regular updates are difficult. Who knew, right?

So, the things that I could have (and should have) written significant posts about include (but are probably not limited to):

  1. Jimmy Wales (founder of Wikipedia) giving a talk at Tech
  2. Yahoo! Hack Week at Tech (Though I did create a page for the project I worked on.)
  3. The Facebook TOS debacle (which was remedied by restoring the old version, and now they’re voting on a new system.)
  4. The FIRST Lego League state competition for Georgia, which is hosted at Tech’s student center
  5. MomoCon
  6. Spring 2009 GT Gamefest
  7. The Macon Cherry Blossom Festival
  8. The FIRST World Championship at the Georgia Dome and GWCC

The last of these, since it just ended on Saturday, I may yet still post about once I’m through with finals. There are pictures from most of the events listed on my Flickr, if anyone is interested in the visual accounts.

So give me until about May 4 or so, and I’ll have more free time.  Until then, please enjoy the picture of the robot, taken at the FIRST World Championship.