Category: .

Moving or traveling with Betta fish

I don’t talk about my fish on here nearly as much as I thought I would. Since I was 16, I’ve kept at least one (and as many as nine) Betta fish as pets. Over that period, I’ve kept a total of more than two dozen different Bettas, both male and female. I’ve also had to move and travel over distances ranging from 100 to 850 miles while transporting as many as three fish at a time. I’ve been meaning to write up my method for transporting a fish over long distances by car for quite some time, and I...

Why I will never donate my hair to Locks of Love (or anyone else)

As someone with very long hair, it’s a guarantee that at least a few times each year someone will say to me, “You have such pretty long hair! You should donate it to Locks of Love!” The juxtaposition of these two statements never fails to make me boggle a bit. You think my hair is pretty, so you think I should cut it? Ok, ok…I know that’s not what they mean, but how is that any different than me walking up to a person and telling them, “That’s a really pretty dress! You should donate it to Goodwill!” Either way,...

Tutorial: How to tailor a too-big polo shirt

I decided to try my hand at downsizing a couple of oversized polo shirts that I have in my possession, and I found that my experiment in tailoring was surprisingly successful. So I decided to post a photo tutorial of the process I used to Flickr. I’m not the greatest seamstress or tailor, but I can do most basic things, given enough time. The process to convert a shirt from circus tent to stylish takes me about 2 hours, but that’s probably because I don’t sew very much. My 1970s-era Kenmore sewing machine gets hauled out maybe about five or...