Category: And now for something completely different
Doctor Who composer on YouTube You may not know who Murray Gold is, but if you’ve watched an episode of Doctor Who recently, you know his work. And now, you can watch Mr. Gold play “I am the Doctor” on the piano on YouTube. Because why not?
U.S. Navy’s first same-sex traditional “first kiss” Everything about this picture gives me the warm fuzzies. Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out, DADT. (Article via Reddit) A Navy tradition caught up with the repeal of the U.S. military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” rule on Wednesday when two women sailors became the first to share the coveted “first kiss” on the pier after one of them returned from 80 days at sea…. Navy officials said it was the first time on record that a same-sex couple was chosen to kiss first upon a ship’s return. Sailors...
Santa’s derpy reindeer Mel Roach is responsible for these fantastic abominations. You can see all nine of them (that would be the eight regulars and Rudolph) here, but Comet is by far my favorite of this set, possibly because it is the most understated yet most effective at conveying derp. Herpy derpmas and a herpy derp derp to you all. 🙂
I find and share so many good articles, cool pictures, funny videos, and interesting blogs on a daily basis that I feel like I need a better way to do it. I used to use Google Reader’s social sharing features for this, but since that functionality is all but gone from the service following its update (and what’s left in the API is being tacked back on by userscripts with the technical equivalent of chewing gum and twine). This has resulted in (among other things) the formerly nice-looking list of my recently shared items on the left column of my...